Volunteer Rebuild Program

988 Square Foot 2 bed 1 bath

*can be modified to a 1 bedroom dwelling if needed.

1092 Square Foot 3 bed 2 bath

The Long Term Recovery Group of Santa Cruz County is partnering with Mennonite Disaster Services to offer hope to families struggling to rebuild after disaster. Through this collaborative effort, we are constructing modest 2 or 3 bedroom homes for eligible families facing insurmountable challenges to rebuild. We are also working with families that are unable to complete a rebuild or storm related repair project in progress for lack of funds.

Are you part of a household that:

We may be able to help! We offer the following opportunity for select qualified families:

Want to help others rebuild? We also welcome volunteers to join our team and assist with construction projects. Sign up through our volunteer form and make a difference in the lives of families affected by disaster.

There is a limited amount of slots available for this program and interested parties are encouraged to 

start their application process by filling out the following interest form as soon as possible.