Recovery Permit Center

In the aftermath of a wildfire, rebuilding efforts require navigating permit processes to ensure safety and compliance. The Santa Cruz County Recovery Permit Center (RPC) serves as your one-stop shop for permitting assistance specifically related to rebuilding after the CZU Lightning Complex Fire. Don't hesitate to reach out to their team for guidance and support throughout your rebuilding journey.

What the RPC offers:

Key steps in the rebuilding process:

Despite the dedicated support from the Recovery Permit Center, permitting can be a complicated and confusing process. Our Disaster Case Managers can support by acting as liaisons, sitting in on meetings, and help decipher next steps and how to get there. 

Remember: Rebuilding after a disaster can be daunting, but the Recovery Permit Center is here to help. 

Disclaimer: This information is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute legal or professional advice. Always consult with relevant authorities and qualified professionals for specific guidance related to your rebuilding project.